Aquatic/Fisheries Field Technician (Hourly) – Illinois Natural History Survey – Havana, Illinois
The Illinois Natural History Survey is seeking multiple (up to 10) field technicians to conduct applied research in aquatic ecology and large river systems throughout the state of Illinois. Technicians will assist large river ecologists in the collection of standardized long-term river monitoring data with additional targeted data collection. This position will be 40 hours per week and will be located in Havana, Illinois. For the full posting, please visit
Aquatic Field Technician (Hourly) – Illinois Natural History Survey – Starved Rock State Park, Oglesby, Illinois
Field technicians (4) needed to conduct applied research in aquatic ecology and large river systems throughout the state of Illinois. Technician will assist large river ecologists in the collection of standardized long-term river monitoring data with additional targeted data collection. This position will be 40 hours per week and will be located in Oglesby, Illinois at Starved Rock State Park. For the full posting, please visit